Ministry Departments
New Covenant is a family place. No matter your age, you will find a place here. There are many areas to serve this community and help advance the Kingdom. The simple act of LOVE is the most powerful!
Our Department Leaders

Mike & Kassie have been the lead pastors at NCC since 2009. Together they have actively been involved in ministry since 1993. Kassie serves as the Children's Pastor and Women's Director. They have four adult children & four grandchildren. They enjoy spending time outdoors with their family & friends.

Jessica has been actively involved at NCC since 2009. Jessica passionately sings and leads the NCC worship team and congregation.  Brandon & Jessica married in 2013 & he quickly became a part of the sound & tech ministry to help in any way. Jessica enjoys writing in her blog & sharing what God puts on her heart to pour into his Kingdom. They have two boys & two girls. They enjoy the outdoors, have a livestock operation & continue to learn more about the organic aspects of farming.

Gail & Ginny oversee the adult Life Group on Wednesday nights. They enjoy spending time with their family and the many grandchildren they have been blessed with.

Mike & Kassie have been the lead pastors at NCC since 2009. Together they have actively been involved in ministry since 1993. Kassie serves as the Children's Pastor and Women's Director. They have four adult children & four grandchildren. They enjoy spending time outdoors with their family & friends.
Called to get involved?
We're thankful that you have shown interest in serving at NCC. Our desire is that you prayerfully consider what area(s) in which God is leading you to serve. We appreciate your heart and willingness to serve at New Covenant to help advance the Kingdom.
Click the button below to fill out a "Call to Ministry" form.